I founded Cosmic Cord with recognition of the highest underlying truth of our reality. Life is meant to be lived in a holy state of boundless love and eternal peace, and we can return to this state through inner union with the light of the Trinity. In this state, the conditioned mind is released from its confusion and suffering, and our soul’s authentic expression can be lived.
It’s my purpose in this life to guide others to directly experience that truth. This purpose is now being lived, made possible by my many years of study, ordination as a Holistic Minister under the Light Wing Center & LifeSpirit Church, direct teachings from multiple renowned mentors, my natural intuitive capacity, and sustained devotion to allowing the Creator to work through me.
This process of direct realization and inner union with the Creator requires peeling back layers of mental constructs that have built up over the course of one’s lifetime. Many of these are sources of unnecessary suffering, clouds over our heads that seem to rarely stop raining on our parade. Just like clouds they always obscure the holy light of the Creator from shining through.
Counseling with me will primarily consist of holistically approaching these apparent obstacles so they can be dissolved. This can take the form of prayer, guided meditations, inner child healing, breathwork, and much more. Simply whatever is needed at the moment. Eventually, God-willing, our counseling will conclude as you have cultivated a pure relationship with God, which will offer more than I ever could.
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